Produce Delivery Just arrived

Yes another delivery of Organic Produce, just like last week but I couldn’t resist showing it. Yes this too was $5.00 delivered to our door. This is what we received this week:

1 bunch Italian Parsley (hard to see it is under the Basil in the picture)
1 bunch Carrots
4 each Leeks
1/2 lb Mizuna (look it up, it is on the far right in the picture and is pretty cool stuff)
5 each Green Peppers
1/2 lb Spinach (on the far left in the bag)
2 heads Red Lettuce
1 bunch Basil
2 each Zucchini

We have some Cilantro and a bit of lettuce left over from last week and that is it. Already looking forward to eating this this week. Don’t expect us to put this up every week it is just that it all looks so great I had to share it.

Posted in Cotacachi, South America, Travel and tagged , , , , .


    • I must admit is it so nice to get. By the way… Last night I made a Quinoa Pilaf to go with our fresh Caprese salad and Tsar Dusted Chicken Breasts. In the Pilaf I put some Mizuna near the end for color and to try it out. It was great, I am going to enjoy working with it this week.

      • I looked Mizuna up and it said it was like a mustard green? Was it peppery and mustardy? (Like my made up words?) I wonder if it is available here. I went to Carpinito’s the other day. They have lovely lettuce for 85 cents a head. Their summer lettuce is so beautiful. I’ve thought about getting produce delivered like that just so I start using a variety since I tend to get stuck in a rut. I love your produce updates. 😀

        • It is slightly sharp tasting but not strong – at least what I have here and this is the first time for me. They say one name for it is “wild Arugula” and when you look close at the leaves it does remind me of Arugula.

          I always did like going to Carpinito’s that is a good price for lettuce.

          If you are looking at delivery – there is one Full Circle that we used and really enjoyed it. For a couple dollars more they will deliver to the house, otherwise you have to go to a local store or something to pick it up. We always like it because we got surprises like what I just got to try and use that you wouldn’t normally use. Makes for great discoveries 🙂

          Back to making Croutons with left over bread and get some bread going too. A local restaurant wants me to make some Sourdough for them so I am having to step up my bread making. My Sourdough Cinnamon Sugar bread is a huge hit here as they have nothing like true Sourdough here (lol except for what I make ).

          • Well then, please add sourdough bread making to your list of recipes. My bread making adventures have been huge failures thus far. LOL I would love to make a loaf of bread that I could actually eat. Did you take your starter with you?

          • Yes I brought my own starter with me. It is over 100 years old. Now I can’t verify that but when I got it in the 1970’s, the person who gave it to me said it was started in Sitka Alaska in 1910.

            I make bread from scratch and always have. My kids didn’t like it when they were growing up. They always tried to get me to buy “the white fluffy stuff” that all the other kids had. Now though I think they understand.

            When I get a chance I will put some bread recipes up here on “Cook with Dave”. I have made Sourdough crackers here a couple times recently and they really are great.

        • That is part of the fun of having a produce package delivered. There is always something new to try that you aren’t familiar with.

          Tsar Dust is a spice from They might call it Russian Sausage seasoning too. It is just a nice seasoning we like in soups and now for Chicken.

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