Chipotle Bacon Burgers

Chipotle Bacon Burgers

Chipotle Bacon Burgers6






The name comes from the hot sauce bottle I used to form these burgers. Depending on how much meat you use you will want a larger bottle, or a can of beer perhaps. I used 1/2 pounds per burger. You can stuff these however you would like. This recipe is more of the concept, but you can make them just like I did if you like.


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Split the ground beef into to 1/2 pound balls and make them firm






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Put the foil around the bottle from the bottom. NOTE; I use non-stick but any will do it is just to keep the bottle clean and help with removing the bottle.

Press the bottle down the middle of the ball of meat to the bottom but not through the bottom.

Squeeze the meat around the bottle equally and give it a bit of height for the stuffing.



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Place two pieces of Bacon around the burger, you want it  completely around the burger. If you have room for more bacon add it on!

Place two pieces of Bacon around the burger, you want it completely around the burger. If you have room for more bacon add it on!

Now remove the bottle and prepare to stuff.



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Place two pieces of Bacon around the burger, you want it completely around the burger. If you have room for more bacon add it on!

Now remove the bottle and prepare to stuff.




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Warm the Pulled pork in a small pan and if you like stir in some bbq sauce and spoon it into where the bottle was and tamp it down. Remember there is more to come so leave a little head room. NOTE; You can use any stuffing you like but… make sure you cook it first. I think it works better to have the stuffing warm, not hot, when you put it in the burger.

Spoon of bbq sauce on top of the pulled pork, more if you like and have room.

Place a chunk of cheese on the bbq sauce.


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Place on the grill using indirect heat and something around 350 or so heat wise. You want these to cook slow so the head penetrates and to help them keep juicy. Leave them on for 20 – 30 minutes, but check their temp so you don’t over cook them.

Remove and serve – there you go….





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