Link: Chien Wines
Wine lovers our kids … in CA – started their own label – wine of the week LA times in March 2010
Link: Chien Wines
Wine lovers our kids … in CA – started their own label – wine of the week LA times in March 2010
Link: Sandra Wright, Wright Coaching & Consulting
“Partnering with those ready to create a significant change in their personal and professional lives.”
Sandra Wright helped me put things into place in my life .. she can help you too.
Complimentary coaching session … why not?
Link: Good World Chinese
They don’t seem to have a direct web site so the best I could do was put in one of the many places that mentions them. On to the point of the review…
We went to this restaurant to have dinner with a family we met in Dublin almost 2 years ago. Ironically enough, we met the family at a restaurant a bit south of Dublin. We have kept in contact with the family since meeting them and made arrangement to have dinner with them on this trip to Dublin.
We started off with some Dim Sum as starters. A note for those of you used to Dim Sum off the cart that they bring to the table, this is a Menu. The staff were very helpful in describing the dishes and helping us make selections. I think off of a menu is the way that Dim Sum was originally done too. Some enterprising came up with the idea of the cart and that helped us westerners start to try and like Dim Sum. But I digress…
Each of the six of us dinning together ordered a dish, I can tell you there was much sharing of what came to the table. I don’t remember all that we ordered but it was an array of Chinese dishes we are all familiar with. All were done excellently too I might add.
The staff was exceptionally attentive to our table. It was, like all the other places we had dinner in Dublin, a wonderful evening. We have this one, along with the other two we reviewed, on our list to visit next time we are in Dublin.
Jo asked for this recipe so we thought we might as well post it – its a favorite every time we serve it. Now we have a cooking blog too!
Sweet Italian Turkey Sausage and Mozzarella Stuffing
I started thinking about how much we were using the names of these Mountains and thought I would pass on a legend about them. Now I can’t credit where I found this out, because I have read so much and searched so much information about Ecuador, I really don’t know the source. Ok now for the Legend…
Mama Cotacachi (the mountain) is a pale-skinned woman with long white hair, and took care of the children at her feet [read the people in the villages]. She was married to Papa Imbabura. When they argued the thunderbolts fell.
Imbabura cheated on Cotacachi with Cayambe, a snow covered mountain to the south. He gave Cotacachi grain, but gave Cayambe rain and water.
When Cotacachi found out about Imbabura cheating on her she cried and those tears formed the lakes at the bottom of Cotacachi.
From the lake is the birth place of the Inca nation – but that is another legend for another day
It seems to be a long time coming – the concert that is. We had tickets for the 13th and well it didn’t happen. They rescheduled for the 26th so we headed downtown once again. Lucky us we for sure had a fabulous time, they played for ever it seemed and we were upgraded to the first row!!! Ok now this would not have happened if I hadn’t had my hip replaced and attended in a wheel chair – and when they asked if we would move from row 25 to row 1 we said sure why not?
Nice evening we stayed downtown and walked (ok wheeled LOL) to Key Arena.