week 3 progress

Its been two weeks of real work (first week was shorter days because of the 2pm curfew)
So now we have them working until 5:30 more or less, they are loving lunch (we are helping a local family/they are also helping us) its a HUGE meal and they seem to really enjoy it. Lots of laughter over lunch and then the crew gets up and washes all the dishes (love that part).

Week two

The Castia will be about 550 sq feet or about 50 sq meters. Kitchen will be on one wall and island will have wheels and a drop down leaf to eat at. Its exciting to see the progress in just two short weeks.

So it begins … La Casita

So after so much time we are finally going to finish our building process. This past Monday they started our Casita - exciting!! Roberto & crew worked on the main house so we have inside track to plumbing and everything - woohoo for us. Great team to complete the project can't wait. They tell me three months more or less.  May 25, 2020 we started.

Where have we been?

It always amazes me to see where we have been on a map! 15 years of travel - we have done well, beyond blessed that is for sure! Hoping to see Africa next year .. time will tell!