More progress on the house
- This picture shows some of the detail that goes into doing a roof here. Over the cement pad on the roof is multiple layers of sealing. there is a black thick paint type layer and then what they call “Chova” is that black mat material you see. The tiles are laid and the facing areas have cement that you can see is red in this picture. Notice a nice detail here, in every house we have seen they leave that cement and don’t paint it. Ours, as you can see is painted to match the tiles.
- Floor tile arrived!!! In the lower center you can see what they will look like in the house and in the back you can see the center portions stacked up
- A closer look at Patrice’s Tiara, as it was named by a friend, and is catching on by everyone, including Patrice. It frames the outdoor kitchen patio.
- It is mid-week and noticeable progress. They are getting ready to lay tile on this part of the house and you can see on the right side they are making great progress laying the tile.
- New features in Patrice’s office. On the right you can see the new ornacina’s that are in the curved area of the wall. Over on the left you can see a new opening above the closet. Upper middle is the two openings for storage above the barreled hallway that leads to my office.
- This picture shows some of the detail that is going into the roof. You can see the black painted sealant and the Chova that they put over it. Every seam in the Chova is heated by a torch to melt the seams together. Another interesting detail that we haven’t seen done before, is the sealing going up all around the Sky Lights. Usually that is only sealed near the bottom. We shouldn’t have any issues with our roof…for generations
great pictures. Love the floor tiles!