- our crew playing after work not sure where they get the energy
- Trying to show some of the details that will be showing when my office is finished. But these details will be all through the house. All of the wood you see will be exposed. The wood is called Colorado and it is a very hard wood.
- As you can see the roofing has moved from the Master bedroom all the way over to the guest wing on the left.
- The kick plates…These will be used all around the house as they are shown but will be over the floor tiles of course.
- These are the edge floor tiles the will be on the doorways and edge the outdoor kitchen
- This is the hallway leading to my office
- Just inside the front door looking up into the tower. The window in front will be were the round window made from wine bottles from the roof minga will be.
- Lots of progress with the roof and plastering too this week. (1.25)
- This is the view from the breakfast room. I took this yesterday morning. The peak is very often in clouds so you can’t see Mt Cotacachi very often. If you can see the peak it is in the morning.
- This picture shows what is left to do on the room. Just what you see on the left side. Of course they have yet to cover the domes, but I think that should be fairly soon.
- You can see the roof is complete from this angle
- My office you can see the completed storage area over the closet area and the hallway tunnel with the ornacinas.
- There is the opening to the storage area above the tunnel to my office and over the guest bath. See what looks like a hole in the wall on the left? Well that will be a branding and will show the house construction after it is finished – Keep watching to see how it develops.
- The copper plumbing is being installed now too. all the internal plumbing is copper.
- The windows have been adjusted and a angled wall put in for the stove in the kitchen.
- Just above the front door inside the tower is a new ornacina that appeared. Amazing how things magically appear in this house.
- The front door is framed in now too.
- Looks like the roof is all but done. Just some finishing details, and of course the domes need to be done.
- Plumbing being installed. The copper is for the inside of the house and the PVC is for the outside.
- Street view, nice roof eh.
- This picture is taken from the doorway of the door out to the outdoor kitchen patio and is the entrance to the guest wing. From the left is part of the door to Patrice’s office; then the hallway to my office; above is a storage access; the entrance to the guest bath; and finally the barrel hallway from the entrance of the house.
- Kitchen plumbing is being installed and the archway into the breakfast room is complete also
- Looks like the roof is all but done. Just some finishing details, and of course the domes need to be done.
- Another look at the Tiara on the bodega. It is still a work in progress but almost done.
- More details are appearing every day. If you look careful you can see some changes are going on with indoor patio too. Those red bricks in the back seem to be holding a new curved line addition to the patio.
- New ornacinas have appeared in the hallwaygoing down to my office.
- This is looking at the back side from close to the house we are renting…Look at that Patrice’s Tiara is spreading. It now includes the roof over the Bodega!