Postcards from Vancouver, BC 2010

Yes we are on the road again. Right now we are on the first leg leading up to the main event. We arrived late yesterday afternoon at the apartment a friend lent us for a few days. We are in the West End of Vancouver not far from the water and up high in a high-rise apartment building. Last night happened to be the finals in a fireworks competition. We had a perfect view of the event. After the bulk of the crowd arrived to see the event – it rained. Enough rain to get everyone nice and wet, and then moved on. It sure was nice to be inside a building watching from above.:D

It was the Chinese for the final show in the Festival of Fire. Many countries come to compete in this event. What they do is shoot fireworks off to music that is played at the event and also broadcast on the radio. IT WAS AMAZING. Pictures do not do it justice. They can’t show you how right on they are to the music. As the music softens so does the fireworks. When the music builds; you guessed it, so do the fireworks.

You can see what an amazing view we had of the event. We were told that about 500,000 people came to watch the event. What a great way to start a trip.

Grand Hotel

Postcards from Alaska – Fur Rondy 75th

This picture is of the hotel we are staying in – with a kitchen of course. We are the floor above the red awning and the middle cluster of windows.

Postscards from Seattle, WA – Eagles in Concert 2010

It seems to be a long time coming – the concert that is. We had tickets for the 13th and well it didn’t happen. They rescheduled for the 26th so we headed downtown once again. Lucky us we for sure had a fabulous time, they played for ever it seemed and we were upgraded to the first row!!! Ok now this would not have happened if I hadn’t had my hip replaced and attended in a wheel chair – and when they asked if we would move from row 25 to row 1 we said sure why not?

Nice evening we stayed downtown and walked (ok wheeled LOL) to Key Arena.

Postcards from Venice, Italy


Mt Rainier

Sunrise and Dad’s status

To begin with, this was sunrise this morning. Sure is nice to have that first cup of coffee and watch the sun rise and see how the mountain changes. But I have been remiss about making a post regarding my Dad. For those that know what happened.

The court date was 1/24 and Dad and many friends showed up at court along with the Attorney for the other side. But not the two German guys that did the beating. The Judge was not happy that they didn’t show up and scolded their Attorney. So things are not settled at all. New court date is 6/30 now.

Will keep you posted.

Postcards from Vietnam