I know I keep talking about parades and the like going on but let me take you through this weekend. It is Sunday right now so more could actually happen than what I will write about but you will get the idea of what it is like on the weekends here. Now remember, this is a town of about 8,500…
Friday they put up a big band stand in the parking lot about a block from the apartment we stay in. When I walked around town I found a couple blocks the other direction in the square by the Church, there was yet another band stand set up too. Then they started installing bleachers and sitting area in the parking lot. Well I was walking around because there was suppose to be a Parade at 3pm and the blocked all the streets off at 2 so I figured they were getting ready. I should have known better because the 3pm start actually started just before 4pm, in typical Ecuadorian fashion.
- Not everyone was amazed by the Parade though – as you can see in this picture
- There was even scary stuff in the parade too
- What parade would not be complete without the Cotacachi Orchestra! Featuring the Pan Flute section! Watch out Lawrence Welk!
- There were many more floats, bands and dancers too
And through it all most of the crowd was absolutely amazed by it all.
Now this was just the Parade on Friday afternoon. After the 3 hour Parade, there was the bands playing. Saturday and all was fairly quiet. That is until about 5pm when the bands started up again. It was a rockin’ good time for sure.
So now it is Sunday and the only real sounds I have heard today are the Church bells. Perhaps this evening will be quiet.
UPDATE: It was not a quiet Sunday. The bands started playing about 4pm and it was music and speeches until about 8:30pm. So much for a quiet Sunday:)