How is this for a hearty breakfast? Six fried eggs. Patrice was laughing at me the whole time I ate them too. Go figure that!
Ok, so they are Quail eggs, they are still eggs. I did eat all six of them too. Besides they are better for you than chicken eggs see..
While quail eggs are so small (10-12 g), they are packed with many biologically active substances we need to be healthy. They are an abundant source of useful trace elements and vitamins. Their nutritional value is 3-4 times higher than that of chicken eggs. They contain 13% proteins while chicken eggs provide a bit more than 11%. Quail eggs contain 140 μg vitamin B1 compared to 50 μg in chicken eggs, and they contain twice as much vitamins A and B2. And quail eggs provide five times as much iron and potassium as chicken eggs. They also are richer in phosphorus and calcium.
But wait there is more!!!
Quail eggs:
* are a remedy against digestive tract disorders such as gastritis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
* can help cure anemia increasing hemoglobin level and remove toxins and heavy metals from blood.
* help in the treatment of tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, diabetes and vegetative-vascular dystonia.
* have strong anticancer effects and may help inhibit cancerous growth.
* help eliminate and remove stones from liver, kidneys and gallbladder.
* may accelerate recuperation after blood stroke and help strengthen heart muscle.
* are a powerful stimulant of sexual potency. They nourish the prostrate gland with useful substances, phosphorus, proteins and vitamins and therefore help restore sexual potency in men.
* promote good memory, enhance brain activity and regulate the nervous system.
* strengthen the immune system slow down aging of organs and increase the life span.
* improve skin color and strengthen hair making it shiny and voluminous. That’s why quail eggs are used for facial and hair care masks.
If kids eat at least 2 quail eggs daily, they grow better and are less likely to suffer from infectious diseases.
Now don’t you wish you were eating Quail eggs – but of course you do, and she laughs at me eating them for breakfast.
Bon Appetit…
(do you think that Dave googled these facts? I don’t think he knew all of this when he got up this morning LOL)
Dave – See what I have to put up with all the time? This on top of laughing at me while I was eating.
Category Archives: Travel
Dinner is Served
We were invited to a get together tonight at the home of a retired Hollywood director. The house he has reminded us of Italy, he is Italian after all. He has some amazing pieces in his house including the desk from the TV show Bewitched, (for those of you that remember that show). Find an old show of Bewitched and I bet you will see the Desk. Now you know where it is – Cotacachi Ecuador.
See how educational this is
Tomorrow we are having some people over for Dinner.
The Menu is…
>Grilled Artichokes with a spicy smoked tomato dip.
>Smoked Salmon and Shrimp Fettuccine, with Alaska Sourdough Garlic Bread
>A Salad or Vegetable yet to be determined
Need to wash something?
Ok ladies here it is, this is the deluxe, top of the line Ecuadorian washer! Here at the condos we have one – in fact this has been washing our clothes ever since we have been here. You can see the modern washboard, next to it is the rinse tub and you can tell by the hoses its got water that comes right to it. Now you might be asking what might be so deluxe, top scale about that washer and I can tell you the only other model they have is a rock in the river. So you can see they spared no expense on the facilities here at the condo. There is only one version of a dryer and it does not work well in the rain perhaps you have guessed what it is by now. If you haven’t its a stretched out piece of wire that you hang your clothes OVER (no pins). But I can tell you our personal operator Blanca is an expert par none and the prices you would think are a steal. Adios for now (this post dictated by Dave)
Rammed Earth House
What a busy day today and SO interesting too. Late this morning we visited a home that is what the title says made out of earth. It is stunning inside. We will load up some inside pictures onto the Ecuador Album,(here is a link “Rammed Earth Section of the Album” ). The owner is a Business man here in Cotacachi.
This is a very ancient way of building brought here from the Spaniards. We don’t have enough space to get into it here on a lot of details but…
They take a form say about a yard long and 18 inches wide and pack dirt into it until it is full. Then move along or up. There is no steel in it to support but has amazing strength even for earthquakes. Look it up on the Internet.
It is so very green – just like us
More of the Cutie
This is a little better view of the native wear. Her mother cleans things here and has been doing our laundry. She stopped by today to pickup laundry with her little girl. When her Mom said it was ok to take her picture – she got shy and didn’t want to. When the camera came out – well you see for yourself.