After doing our exhausting real estate tours we stopped to eat with a couple of friends and had a 4 course lunch. We had an appetizer that was chicken breast wrapped in bacon with sauce, beef potato soup. The entree of a shredded beef and peppers in a great sauce, with rice potatoes and veggies. This was followed up with a peach for dessert. It was way more food than we expected. We also had 2 bottles of water and 2 lemonades. The cost was $12 and change.
We didn’t want much for dinner after that huge lunch so while prepping dinner and working on the real estate post for yesterday I was ready to post and ready to cook when POOF, just like that, no power. So… in the darkness, your trusty roving reporter cooked a little Pasta Carbonara for dinner. It turned out pretty good and under the light of candles we had dinner.
Today we are off to the Dentist again. We will stop at the Super Maxi on the way back and pick up something for Thanksgiving. We won’t have time to fix lots we will save that for later.
Tata for now….
Category Archives: Travel
Ecuador Real Estate Tour
Dave here…Your roving reporting team was VERY busy today looking at real estate in this general area. It is hard to show just a few examples but we have them in the Ecuador Album, just a few highlights. Let me see if I can summarize what we saw. AMAZING, ok there you go done!… ok, ok, I will expand a little.
We saw lots to build on in a development for of .6 acres to 1+ acres for 40k – 80k with absolutely stunning views just outside of town.
In our little tour we visited I think 4 other houses (casas) that ranged from $80K to $135K all with great views and very workable layouts. At the higher end there were fireplaces and bathrooms in each bedroom and fabulous woodwork.
We also saw a development of 4 unit Condominium buildings with just stunning views. These run about $89k to $130k
Market Day!!!
We have been waiting to do the Sunday Market. People come from up in the mountains to sell their produce and wares. I was our first visit and it is amazing. Similar to markets we have been to in Europe and Asia. Except every type of fruit and vegetable from tropical climates to climates similar to what we see produced in the Northwest USA.
- Roses from Ecuador
- $2.50 for all these great veggies – WOW
We were told it was best to go early in the morning for the freshest stuff and we did just that.
We spent about $5.00 today. $2.50 on 25 roses and the rest on veggies. It was really all I could carry back to the condo. I guess we could have made another trip. It isn’t that far just at the other end of Leather Street that we live on.
Check out the pictures. There is another building that sells meat and fish. The picture of the Market is just down one isle.
One other thing to pass on – UNESCO actually built the white tiled market.
Inventing a new dish for the culinary world!!
Yes the title is correct. But what else would you expect after all.
So last night we started to make Eggplant Lasagna for dinner, but quickly realized we didn’t have all the traditional ingredients let alone where to obtain them.
The short story is we invented Eggplant Ecsagna. Why do we call it Ecsagna you might ask. Well… if you have to know…we substituted so many Ecuadorian ingredients…What else could we call it? Pretty ingenious even if we do say so ourselves. The local cheese we used was fantastic and gave the dish a wonderful flavor and texture.
So now you know the true origins of this dish even before it sweeps across Ecuador, South America and the rest of the world!!!
Food and Bread for today
Dave here…
Just so you know we have captured yet again another world record. That record is for the successful baking of Alaska Sourdough on the Equator. As far as we know it has never been done before now. And you know us too – how lucky is that!
All in all it was a quiet day of working so no golly gee stuff to report today.
So to answer one of the most asked question, which is, “what did you have for dinner”?
It was a simple affair:
Mixed green salad with a German Onion Herb dressing
Sauteed potatoes (papas)and leek with smoked paprika and fresh garlic
Fresh Asparagus wrapped in Serrano ham
Grilled bacon wrapped Fillets seasoned with “Dave’s Magic Dust”
See the picture – just remember we are roughing it here.
Just as we sat down for dinner…the power went out. How romantic is that! A candle light dinner for two – how exciting is that
After dinner we snuggled up to our laptop with the biggest battery I could find and watched a movie. Well ok just part of a movie – then off to bed
Great sunny day today – I am sure there will be good things to report.
$2.50 buys all of this
And of course I have my traveling vases – they are absolutely the best the large one will double as an ice bucket