A great day for a Minga.
Our Invitation to the Minga Huasy Cumbay!!!
When: December 20, 2013 ~ 9:30am
Where: San Miguel Lot #12, Cotacachi, Ecuador
What: If you thought the Mudapalooza (Minga ~ Alpa Raymi) was the event of the year…You haven’t seen this year’s gala event, , the Huasy Cumbay!!! It is the traditional way to test the roof of a new house. What is going to happen is, there will be swings attached to the roof on the inside of the house with a fire under the swing. If it is a strong roof you won’t get burned by the fire as you swing over it.
There will be some music, dancing, wine, pizza, and a lot of laughs; so come on down!! Rumor has it, on good authority though, is that the wine bottles will be used to make one of the windows in this new house. You can be part of history once more, how is that possible you might be thinking. Well, glad you asked…You will be able to say that you drank the wine out of the bottles that made the window. It is something you can tell the grandkids about, now how many people can say that. The answer is only those that attend can, so see this is a very exclusive club you will be in.
But wait there is more… If you have any interesting or unusual colored bottles you want to donate…Please bring them with you.
- swings are ready
- working the line 🙂
- You can tell some were so amazed at how good this brigade worked they just had to take pictures of it to prove it.
- Dang as soon as you stop the buckets and wait for more to finish mixing…dancing breaks out – can you believe it!
- The last Minga, you may recall we saw Hobbit feet, well here are the hobbit hands to go with.
- here come the buckets again…
- Moving with such machine like precision.
- Another pause in the buckets
- Never give up, stay determined!!
- And the beat goes on…
- and on…
- Oh yuck! what a dirty hand —
- Careful children, behave with those dirty hands
- This guy gets to toss each bucket all the way to the top of the roof.
- Whew, finally a break for some pizza, well ok, wine and beer too.
- Kerry trying to prove to everyone that you can open a bottle of wine by banging it in his shoe on a post…luckily, I had a corkscrew or we would have been there all afternoon. Kerry kept saying…But is is moving. Yeah right it moved really good once I put my corkscrew in it
- Oh no, the Architect and Maestro are really arsonists!!! They are lighting a fire in my house – could there work have really been that bad that they have to burn the house down?
- just about ready to let go
- tradition – swing over the fire
- The Maestro, Roberto on the left and Romero, the Architect on the right swing over the fire.
- Oh no the Electrician on the left is swinging over the fire too. Wait, Kerry, on the right is swinging too. Kerry is the guy designing the kitchen, bathrooms, and closets.
- Julia hasn’t had this much fun since she was a kid
- No! don’t make me stop – I won’t do it – this is way to much fun
- Dad, can we put a swing over a fire in our house? This is so cool!!!
- Am I really doing this?