A little magic with thanks to Jorge Vinueza – we are in love!
Tag Archives: casa
Casa 4.11.14
- This was interesting, at least to us…This is part of the indoor patio and we were amazed at how this curve looked formed. But then the secret was revealed, or I should say we figured it out…See the boards tacked into that post? there is a wire attached to a piece of rebar that Patrice is holding, and it matches perfectly that curve. Simple tools = beautiful work.
- Ok, ok… I am giving into the demands to see a closer look at the Dreamworks logo by our front door. You can see where the lights are going in, those little black holes, and how much that side is raised.
- This is further proof of me giving in and showing more detail of the Dreamworks logo – yet an even closer lookat the detail. Ok now everyone has to wait until the weekend for further details
- From our rental…Oh what is that appearing on one of the Dome’s? Could it be the Mosaics?
- Oh yes it is the Mosaics being applied – very nice.
- A bit more details appearing but mostly on the inside…Lets take a closer look…
- On the front porch looking through the front door and you can see the tunnel at the far end leading to the Master bedroom. That sliver on the left is of course the Dreamworks logo we showed earlier this week. —
- Stepping into the front door and looking slightly to the right you see the hallway to the guest wing and the left side of the picture shows the living area and a bit of the outdoor kitchen and a bit of the tunnel to the master.
- From the kitchen looking towards the front door across the indoor patio.
- The outdoor kitchen is taking shape. The bread oven is being made and it looks like supports for the counter are being made also. On the ceiling you can see a bit of the sanded and finished beams that they are working on.
- My office and they are starting finishing in there too
- Master bay window has made great progress this week and details are showing up.
- This is looking from the Master closet into the Master bathroom. Straight ahead is our shower cave. It does have a whole in the roof to let the sky light light in though – it is about 8 feet tall.
- Looking from where the bathtub will be towards where the sink area is with the skylight showing through. On the right you can see some of the shower cave.
- Standing at the entrance to the guest wing looking at the front door. You see the reflection of our wine bottle window. On the left is the Dreamworks logo and on the right is the hallway leading to the Pantry and kitchen.
- Our electrical panel is in place.
- Looking from the doorway of the Outdoor Kitchen towards the kitchen area. On the left you see part of the indoor patio; straight ahead is the breakfast room. Those ornacina’s you see on the right are just inside the door going to the backyard.
- Just a view of Imabura it usually doesn’t have a cloud resting on it. A very nice day…back to the house…
- Not much new on the outside, but you can see that it looks like they completed one of the Domes in blue Mosaics.
- Outdoor kitchen is coming along. Bread oven is making progress too. Logs are finished and the slats for the glass cover are in place also.
- Another view of the outdoor kitchen looking into the house and out the back door. Past the swings that are still hanging in the house.
- Kitchen – sanding is almost complete on the logs.
- Back of the house. Nice detail on those windows. From left to right, Bodega door, Master closet window, windows in back of master toilet and window by master bathtub
- Looks like the last details in the Master bathroom are in place. Patrice’s Tiara is still growing…See there over the shower… You can get an idea of how much light comes down from the skylight by how much you see the ladder in the shower.
- Just wanted to show the high tech clamps. See those bend pieces of re-bar holding the wood that is forming the bottom of the window.
- Hard to see but the roof over the outdoor kitchen is all stained and detailed out. The bay window in the Master Bedroom on the right is close to being complete and ready for glass.
- Dome all covered and sealed now. This is from our rental house
- Outdoor kitchen, the work continues. Starting to look like a kitchen now.
- One of the ladders, made on site of course, I guess they couldn’t find any straight pieces of wood.
- Cover for the patio is all ready for the glass it looks like
- Surprise! We have a counter on the kitchen side of the outdoor patio. I think we will have the carpenter that is doing the kitchen cabinets and island come back and remeasure.
- Detail on the cover over the outside kitchen patio.
- Wires are appearing everywhere, even on the Dreamworks logo.
- A look from the outside through the master bath window at the shower caver, just a different angle.
- Surprise! Two small windows appeared this week in the bodega.
- Bay window detail on the master bedroom.
- Close up of the mosaics on the Dome.
- Looks like something is happening on the side of the new counter attached to the indoor patio, and…all the bases for the beams in the patio that were square have now been chiseled down and made round as you can see
- Patrice’s office beams has been stained looks good too.
- Outdoor kitchen has work continuing…
- The tub in the Master bath is being built now
- Our second window is in now too. It is over where the toilet is.
- Not much new on the outside…except…look at the next picture….
- The second Dome over the breakfast room is now finished in Blue Mosaic as the other one!
- Looking from the Kitchen, on the far left is the new counter on the indoor patio wall, hallway to pantry and laundry room, center is the area the dish hutch is going, then the entry to the breakfast room.
- Glass is being placed on the outdoor kitchen roof.
- Dave’s office beams and ceiling have been finished now.
- Glass awaiting to be put on the patio, outdoor kitchen, roof
- Blue bottle window from the outside.
- Looks like they have finished working on the bay window, at least on the outside.
- Last few pictures for this month before we start another Album. This is looking through the shower area in the guest wing. There are 3 windows in the shower and they will have glass blocks. You can see they are putting the blocks in place.
- This is the sink area in the quest bath. That area above the sink goes all the way to the skylight on the roof.
- The swings have been taken down. Looks like our swinging days are over.
- Just a close up of the Dome over the the breakfast room.
- the famous corner – Dave has taken a photo from this spot every week – we have a movie (posting soon)
- A closer look under the Dreamsworks logo – it looks like a pot
- Wait it is a pot…
- This is made from the shattered pieces we and the workers found on our property. This will have a light coming from the bottom and showing light from the top.
- Side view so you can see how big of a bulge it has, Can you imagine what the light will be like shining up from the bottom at night?
- The shower windows being finished.
- A look from the Toilet area looking at the shower.
- A look at what the cover over the outdoor kitchen will look like. This area is finished.
- Baby Dome… Notice they put the chimney to the living room fireplace up and it is a baby dome… either that or the domes we have are a male and a female and they are propagating…either that or something else….
- It doesn’t show well but they have done some finishing work on the Pot, filled in the cracks
- Fireplace in the living room is taking place nicely.
- Parts of the house are primed now – this is the hallway to my office.
- Flooring is starting. This is my office.
- A little more finishing although it is hard to see.
- Wait a row of steps has appeared on the outdoor kitchen Patio. Look close and the baby dome for the chimney is getting some finishing done as well.
- Looks like we are getting some recessed lighting on a couple of the beams now.
- A closer look under the Dreamsworks logo – it looks like a pot
Casa – 12.2.13
- from the street looking at the guest wing you can see the start of the tower over the entry/foyer
- we will have some exposed beams in the rooms
- bodega – we opted to add one for Dave’s tools, power washer and file boxes (you know old taxes etc)
- barrel ceilings – yes amazing
- come in through the front door and look to your left – powder room, laundry room and whats this a barrel ceiling to the entry of the pantry and the kitchen
- Bob shared this one with us taken from the roof of #16 we are building on 12
Casa – 11.11.13
- Just wanted to show the ladder that they made on site. I think you can see that it is two tree limbs with some slats nailed into them. They have only a basic set of tools and seem to make most things right on site. It looks very different than an American job site when you see a pickup for every guy that is working and each guy has their own set of tools. All the workers here arrive either by bicycle or all together standing up in the back of a pickup truck
- The connection in other cases is a separate pin going down through the beams into a whole cut in a wall pole. This wood is a hardwood they call Colorado. They are using Colorado because it is a hardwood that grows very straight and doesn’t split. Other construction I have seen mostly uses Eucalyptus as beams and posts. Our Architect didn’t want to use Eucalyptus because it splits easy and isn’t really straight.
- A shot of how the beams and walls are connected. Notice that wooden pins. In some cases the poles in the wall are cut down leaving the center to act as a pin going into holes cut into the log beams, as is the case with the two wall poles in this picture
- Out of Dave’s office window across the outdoor kitchen to the Master wing.
- The guest wing taken from the outdoor kitchen
- looking from the middle of the Master bedroom back at the entrance where the nicheries are.
- This is from the living room looking down the hall to the Master bedroom. That notched looking thing is one of the niches, and new word for you, bedroom nicheries.
- from the street
- Looking from one side of the indoor patio across to (from left to right), powder room, laundry room, and pantry. you can see the arches are in place for the doors. On the right and actually within the indoor patio the arch and small wall are in also