- Roof beams all up and now preparing to put the roof on the house
- From the street the porch roof is covering some of the roof lines but you can see most of them.
- This is looking from the front door and that hole you see up high in the middle of the picture is where a round window will be. It is going to be made of wine bottles. Next week when we have the Huasy Cumbay, or roof party, where we get to swing over a fire in the house to prove the roof is strong, we will use the bottles from that event for the window.
- The purpose of this picture is to explain the wire. Many have asked what that is for and we have the answers, naturally. If they just used the nail, the bamboo could split and not hold. So what they do is take the wire and wrap it around each nail head and go to the next nail, then they pound the nail in the rest of the way. This way if is does split it will be held firmly in place.
- More of the roof line and the curved inside wall (we will have a fireplace in the corner on the left.
- This is taken from where the stove will set in the kitchen. You can see the ceiling work over the beam from the kitchen and to the round wall where the fireplace will be. That niche you see to the right is where “Mr Bojangles” will be all lit up, for those that have already seen him. For those that haven’t, you will have to wait till he moves in. Oh, Mr Butts will be there over the fireplace.