- Village Dancers
- Falcon Park
- Cuicocha Lake
I started thinking about how much we were using the names of these Mountains and thought I would pass on a legend about them. Now I can’t credit where I found this out, because I have read so much and searched so much information about Ecuador, I really don’t know the source. Ok now for the Legend…
Mama Cotacachi (the mountain) is a pale-skinned woman with long white hair, and took care of the children at her feet [read the people in the villages]. She was married to Papa Imbabura. When they argued the thunderbolts fell.
Imbabura cheated on Cotacachi with Cayambe, a snow covered mountain to the south. He gave Cotacachi grain, but gave Cayambe rain and water.
When Cotacachi found out about Imbabura cheating on her she cried and those tears formed the lakes at the bottom of Cotacachi.
From the lake is the birth place of the Inca nation – but that is another legend for another day
Link: http://roses-to-you.com/
We have been using this place for a couple years or so now and think they are wonderful. If you need or just want fresh Roses this is THE place to get them. They come directly to you straight from Ecuador. Honestly we have had these Roses last 2 – 3 weeks.
Unlike some of the other suppliers of fresh flowers, these are not shipped to a warehouse in Florida and then sorted and shipped later. These are cut, packaged and shipped directly to you via FedEx.
Try them – bet you will like them. We would be interested in hearing from you when you try them to hear your experience also.
This is our make-shift tree for Christmas Tree. What do you think? Just so you get an idea of size, it is a little over 6 ft tall.
We think we will be creating a fad in Ecuador. They don’t have the natural trees here. They have fake trees.
Don’t be surprised the next time you see pictures of Xmas in Ecuador you see a see of trees like what is in the picture…
Expats give back
Today – was in a word an amazing day. A Christmas visit to 4 different villages – a truly wonderful experience! Children sang, danced and waited so patiently for their bag of animal crackers/treats (we gave away over 900 of them).
We even had a Santa Claus (Popa Noel). So much joy in their eyes and faces – its hard to explain.
Just a fabulous day here in Ecuador – glad we had the chance to be part of it.