I tried to do this in reverse so this is the first posting in the series and you can read down instead of reading the last thing first. we will see how this works in reality.
Patrice was asked to teach one of the villages some beading. Another one wants me to teach them how to make Pizza, (all they really want is my Sourdough). As it turns out they want 3 days of beading classes. Today was the first day. Now picture this… We barely know a few words in Spanish, the villagers know not much Spanish, they primarily speak their native language named Kitchwa. How is that for the beginnings of teaching a class?
In the picture, lower left you can see Cotacachi where we are staying. In the middle below the mountain you can see Otavalo, where the big craft market is. Those things that seem like white lines, to the right mid picture, are Rose growing operations. This picture is only part of the absolutely stunning views this village has.
The name of the village is San Pedro and is over 200 years old. It is small, and the people are shy but it was worth it just to see things like this picture. As you will see – they really got into beading. Must have been the Instructor, what do you think?
We have to pick up more supplies tomorrow in Otavalo and the second class will be Monday (Lunes).
- Before class started
- beading … lets get started
- everyone is busy