Its been 4 years since our home was completed – so why not paint? While we are at it, lets show off some of the fabulous features that Ramiro incorporated into our exterior!!
Tag Archives: South America
House & Yard October
The yard has grown up considerably in such a short time – here is how our home & yard look today. I was able to fix the enlarging problem on the photos.
- path to the house
- Front Entry
- front entry walk way looking towards the street
- pomegranates – yes growing in our yard
- hall to master
- master bedroom
- master bath
- master bath
- hall from guest wing
- hallway to guest wing
- yard shots
- pathway in back yard
- breakfast room
- indoor patio
- looking at guest wing
- hallway to second bedroom guest wing
- lemon trees
- looking out of the breakfast room
- front path
- guest bathroom
- front yard – looking towards master
- pathway off of breakfast room
- small hall – indoor patio is on the left
- back yard
- french doors to back yard
- another living room shot
- path going towards the raised garden beds
- guest wing garden
- from front corner of the house
- another guest bathroom shot
- master bath
- front door looking towards master wing
- master bath
- rear yard looking towards the street
- guest wing hall way
- breakfast room
- parking pad
- outdoor kitchen
- looking at breakfast room from outside
- master bath details
- front yard taken from the parking pad
- relax space
- tv area
- living room
Its Nearly Done
The yard – so much progress!! We are both loving how it looks
- another angle
Yard – progress 5.7.2015
- Lets go for a walk around the house…We are sitting on the benches by the front door looking East towards the street.
- Looking at the other side of the benches toward the West
- A closer look at this tree / bush. It was about a foot tall when we planted it about 3 months ago
- Standing in the back corner looking North along the hedge and you can see a few fruit trees.
- At the back spiral giving a closer view of the rest of the back yard gardens
- Standing by the Bodega looking to the East again. The raised beds are starting to come alive now.
- This is the soon to be Orchard area. I am standing by the raised beds.
- This is a better picture of the detail in the patio by the outdoor kitchen.
- Looking out from the outdoor kitchen.
Yard – progress
- front wall
- a look from the outdoor kitchen
- spiral #3 with bling of course
- a view from the front (across the street actually)
- spiral close up
- back yard – no grass and great plantings this was in March
- Jamie created rock islands and planted those as well – awesome he nailed what we wanted
- from another angle we have two islands in the back yard
- looking down the back yard towards the breakfast room
- another angle
- our bottle window- looks awesome this morning
- place for guests to park or taxis as we do not have a car
- front yard detail coming along nicely
- view from the wall looking at the outdoor kitchen
- this was the entry on Jan 28 (this year) look at the ornamental grass height
- check the growth of the grass – wow three months
Third Spiral
- this one is in the front
- love it!
- another angle
- and a little bling here too looks like