Meet Our New Little Friend

Yes we have a new friend, at least to travel with. He was made back in 1966 and that is the original sweater for him too. He doesn’t look to bad for being 45 years old either now does he. Just to glance at him you wouldn’t guess he was much over 10. He promises not cost us anything if we take him along too, what a bonus eh.

It isn’t really like we need more people to travel with or anything cuz we don’t get lonely traveling. In fact we usually have lots of fun and meet new people and all the usual stuff that happens when you travel. Having said that there is one thing people keep bring up, and that is there aren’t any pictures of us, just places. Well I am thinking this little guy is the answer to that.

travel guy - no name yet

travel guy - no name yet

Just think, we will publish a picture here and there he will be just a smiling away, and you will know we were there and took the picture too. See we are actually accomplishing 2 things at the same time. Always looking for ways to multi-task you know.

He is very athletic too. He can turn his head and his arms and legs move too. Then, when you add the angelic face and that more than perfect smile…What else could you ask for? Thats right not much.

You are probably wondering why he would want to travel with us…Well I am glad you asked that. I wasn’t going to say anything, but since you brought it up I will answer that for you…

You see he has had a life of being in one place and it was dark most of the time there. No one to talk to; no one to play with; no real social life at all. He has always wanted to travel and during those dark years he suffered through, the only thing that kept him going was thinking about all the places he wanted to go to and see. Well now he has that chance to see places with us. After all don’t you feel kinda sorry for the little fella with having such a deprived life up until now? And he still is smiling after all he has been through too. Watta guy, talk about “manning up”! This little guy is the poster child for what that means.

One detail we could use some help on though, and that is, what shall we name him? You know he has never had a real name either. Let me know what you think he should be named. After-all, no one should go through life with no name should they.