Name Mac’s new friend

Ok, we held a bit of a contest and didn’t put it here on the blog – well when you think about it… you would give us so many creative answers we wouldn’t have time to answer them all while figuring out what was the best one now would we….

Now for full disclosure… Mac is in storage waiting to be shipped and we need a travel friend. Now what better way to get a friend for Mac than to get one of his old buddies and then then break him into traveling to help out Mac – seems perfectly reasonable to us.

Now I must tell you up front that there is a controversial background with this new friend of Mac’s. Yes he is a veteran, and yes he, according to a song, he shot down the Red Baron ( ). But I can tell you he is so humble that he hasn’t accepted a medal for it even though we all know he did it. I know that is hard to believe with this age of “look at me” and “wow am so amazing” but it is true – you got to trust me on this one…

To this day however there exist controversy as to his background, I know you think it would die down but noooo. There is a guy, he claims he is a historian, (ya right), and he debunks Snoopy and the Red Baron as a Myth – can you believe it? Although I shouldn’t perpetuate scams or falsehoods, I just had to pass this pitiful piece of writing on. Now remember I am just your faithful messenger I am not backing up what he says or anything else. Just passing it on so you realize just some of what he has to put up with constantly.

You have probably heard of our new traveling buddy by the name of Snoopy, but that just isn’t personal enough. You knew Mac as Schroeder but we call him Mac for MacGyver Schroeder and you have to read the post to read how his name came about, if you already don’t know Now here we are with Snoopy and he had to have a good whole name.

So we took possible names from the best and brightest that we could gather, along with doing an Internet search and a multi-language search too. Yes there were late nights and long hours but our search team stuck to the task with absolutely brilliant results. But it was our friend Al that came up with what was a unanimous decision on the name one late night working in our Top Secret, Multinational Laboratories.

Without further ado, let me introduce to you “Ace Snoopy”, or as we call him Ace.

Now when you see Ace he will be with us on our humble adventures. He should be well seasoned by the time Mac and Ace get together don’t you think?