Market day today…

These on the spot reporters had an action packed day that would make any super hero envious.
We went to Otavalo and visited the market,(the largest in South America we are told). The Taxi fare was $5, I think it is like 30 cents by bus. The driver waited for us, for no charge, and then drove us back. Oh, this was the small day for the market, Saturday is the big day. As a side note, if you use Google Earth they have some 360 views of the Market you can see.

We uploaded a picture of what we bought. Ok here is the list; 2 Panama hats (they are really Ecuadorian, Panama doesn’t make them, another story); a Pashmina shawl and a cotton enhanced shawl too; napkin rings with little people on them, (look at the picture I can’t explain); a knit hat for a small one, (just that was a crushing $3). Total price was about $42.

A rough guess as to what we would pay in the states for the same things… about $175 – just an estimate.
Back to Cotacachi and lunch, 2 sandwiches, mocha latte, and a coke for $5 and change. By chance we met with the wife of one of the owners of a real estate project we like,(turns out she owns the place we ate in).
Off to the store to pick up more flour and Cinnamon, or should I say, “canela molida”, to finish the bread with.
Back to the Condo and bake 4 loaves of bread; 1 cinnamon, 1 roasted garlic and 2 plain white; whew.

We are preparing for a meeting tomorrow with the Real Estate Agent and the lady we met while having lunch today to see some more house plans and get some more information about their project.
I suspect we might bring them a taste of Alaska Sourdough when we meet too. I bought some loaf pans and the loafs are looking like real loafs instead of the odd shaped ones coming out of my makeshift loaf pans. Ok, even the odd shaped ones tasted great.

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