More Organic Produce

Ok I have done a couple of posts about this before, but I just had to do another one. As you know we have delivered every week Organic produce for $5.00. Early in the week they tell us what is available and we can change things but I don’t think we have as yet.

This morning the following was delivered and filled up this bag:

As you can see it is completely full!

Now what all did it have in it you might be thinking – think no more – here is the list:
Swiss Chard
Baby Zucchini ( will tell you a story later about this)

When you lay it all out – this is what it looks like…

Now for the Baby Zucchini story…

It isn’t just an interesting little story. You see here a lot of the locals don’t do anything with Zucchini and as a result they don’t know what to do with it. They grow it, like a few other things, just for the Gringos. Usually you find pretty good sized Zucchinis, about the size of a large cucumber or even larger. A cook from New York that lives here and also speaks Spanish, talked long and hard to a couple of different growers, one being our organic people, about how we like baby Zucchini’s. That is how we started getting them available. Except for our Organic grower that we get our Veggies from – you still have to ask and wait and then maybe you will get some baby Zucchini’s.

But the growers here are happy to provide what we want or like once they understand so it is a learning experience for everyone.

Produce Delivery Just arrived

Yes another delivery of Organic Produce, just like last week but I couldn’t resist showing it. Yes this too was $5.00 delivered to our door. This is what we received this week:

1 bunch Italian Parsley (hard to see it is under the Basil in the picture)
1 bunch Carrots
4 each Leeks
1/2 lb Mizuna (look it up, it is on the far right in the picture and is pretty cool stuff)
5 each Green Peppers
1/2 lb Spinach (on the far left in the bag)
2 heads Red Lettuce
1 bunch Basil
2 each Zucchini

We have some Cilantro and a bit of lettuce left over from last week and that is it. Already looking forward to eating this this week. Don’t expect us to put this up every week it is just that it all looks so great I had to share it.