Have I been missing cooking or what?

Have I been missing cooking or what?

Have I been missing cooking or what?

As you may or may not know…I cook A LOT and for the past 5 weeks while we were in Asia I only had a chance to cook a couple times in Thailand and that was at the beginning of the trip. So now I am back home.

I just realized today, and we have been back for a little over a day, that I must have missed cooking. We walked in the door from the airport and before I unpacked I checked my Sourdough Starter and started a fresh batch. For those that don’t know my starter had it’s 100th birthday sometime this year. Yes it is 100 years old. I have been cooking with it for…gosh…longer than I hate to think. Ok, I have had it since the mid 70’s. As a result of making the fresh starter, I have 6 loaves of bread going. I just put in the oven the Sourdough and have four more loaves of some Italian style bread to bake yet.

While I was letting the bread rise I made chicken stock and have reduced it and it is cooling before I package it for the freezer. I am making Stroganoff tonight for dinner and also made some fresh Beef Stock to use tonight. Not lots just enough for this dish.

The way I make Stroganoff is very slow. I prepare / cook things separately and then combine them and let them get happy and know the flavors.

Oh and there won’t be any rice with this dish tonight. Pasta will be underneath the Stroganoff. Nothing against rice, I really like rice, but, we have had rice with almost every meal for 5 weeks now. It is time for a change.
The food in Asia was fantastic, this was the best we had tasted everywhere we went. We even picked up some tricks too.

Time to start the Stroganoff…


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